The Importance of Blacklisting Applications


For those avid iPhone users, the new iOS 12 update entails a variety of new features in terms software and giving a sleek interface for its users. Other features that have come with the update are the grouping of notifications.

The most important feature of this update is the screen time page, which you can find in your settings. This page tracks the number of times you pick up and open your phone, the apps that you have used most and how much time you spend on a variety of apps.

I tested this feature out for a couple of days and my initial reaction was “I need to go outside more often.” What this has taught me is that I spend a lot of my time looking at social networking apps. You can check the pictures that are on the side.

Daily Overview
Weekly overview

Why is it important to use?

As students we tend to get distracted by our phones and knowing that we can access different applications can prevent us from being productive. Blacklisting apps prevents us from accessing apps that we love so that we can be productive and not spend too much time on our screens. They block apps so we don’t get to access them for some amount of time. We can reap many health benefits plus we can be productive.

So, for those who want to reduce the amount of time they spend on their phones, this method is greatly encouraged, otherwise find a safe and ask your parents to lock your phone in there.