A Brief Guide On How To Stop Procrastinating


Procrastination is a challenge that we have all faced at one point or another, and some more than others. Especially in times like this when technology is a crucial aspect of the lives of people, it can be extremely difficult to remain on task and prioritize what needs to be prioritized. How could you possibly be expected to study for what feels like a million tests, quizzes, presentations, requirements, and activities when a new episode of your favorite TV show just dropped and everyone’s talking about it? And have you ever found yourself trying to finish your history essay which is due tomorrow and then realize you have been online-shopping for two hours straight?

If so, this is the article for you. Procrastination is common just as difficult it feels like it is to get rid of. But with these simple tips, you will be able to finish your tasks much more efficiently and also quicker, and still have some free time.

Tip #1: Break down your work

Sometimes if I have a big task I have to complete, I feel overwhelmed just thinking about it and end up procrastinating because I don’t want to go through the painful process of actually doing it. By breaking down the work into little parts, you will feel less overwhelmed and more motivated to complete these little parts. For instance, make the decision that you are going to study for 30 minutes. After that, reward yourself with 5 minutes break where you can make something to eat, talk to a friend or check your social media. After 5 minutes, put everything away and continue to work for another 30 minutes.

Tip #2: Change your environment

I find this tip very useful as I usually spend all my time studying in my room, which can get boring and monotonous after a while. Choose another quiet and clean room to sit in, such as a guest room or the kitchen in your house, for example.  

Tip #3: Create a detailed timeline with specific deadlines

This tip is much easier said than done, but it really helps. Creating your own detailed timeline which specific deadlines for each task will make your task seem much smaller from your own perspective. For instance, if you are writing an essay which is due next week, you may decide to write your introduction before tomorrow, your body paragraphs during the weekend and the conclusion on Monday. This will make the task seem so much more simpler and you won’t feel the stress of having to write a whole essay 10 pm the night before it is due.

Tip #4: Turn off electronics (if you don’t need them)

If you are studying for your math test in a few days, you probably don’t need electronics. Having your phone right next to your paper is an invitation to procrastination, because each notification that pops up on your screen will catch your attention and appeal to you much more than the math problem in front of you. Turn off or put away your phone, laptop and TV and focus on what is right in front of you.

Tip #5: Find a study buddy

If it’s not too hard to find, look for somebody who doesn’t procrastinate as much as you do and who will motivate and inspire you to stay on track. Finding a study buddy can also be beneficial for other reasons as well, but this is one of them. It’s much easier to procrastinate when you’re alone and no one can tell you what to do, but sitting next to someone who will motivate you to keep working will help you a lot.