5 small tips for when the IB gets too much

5 small tips for when the IB gets too much

Most of us blame one single cause for sleep deprivation, anxiety and mental breakdowns: the IB. Even if you are in younger years, you may relate to the prominent stress caused by academic pressures. In these times, we’ve all binged on junk food, developed irregular sleeping habits and dealt with physical or facial insecurities we just can’t get over. Here are a few health tips so that you won’t reflect on your two years in the International Baccalaureate as the “worst two years of my life”.

  1. Study when you are awake. If it’s 4 p.m. and you slept at 1:30 a.m. last night, maybe it’s better to study for that Biology Test when you feel awake. We all know about memory retainment in face of sleep deprivation – in the long run, a 20- minute power nap or one hour doze will improve you studying abilities and prepare you better for that test.
  2. Drink Tea or anything similar. Drinking water is your healthiest option, but trying out different flavors and tastes of tea throughout the day lets you experiment with something when studying gets boring. Even if you don’t like it, give it one shot when you’re tired – it will make a massive difference.
  3. Talk to friends. Don’t directly hit the books as soon as you get home. Skype a friend and talk about the events of your day. Especially if you had a stressful day, talking to someone in the same position can be the best outlet. Even if it isn’t a friend, even talking to a family member or your pet will clear your mind before studying.
  4. Take showers, wear clean clothes and take care of your body. This may sound logical at first, but in between studying and extracurricular activities it’s easy to forget about basic hygiene. Clip your nails. Pluck your eyebrows. Take care of your skin. Wash your clothes. Improvements to your regimen will keep you happier in the long run.
  5. It’s okay to cry. When things are bad it’s important to show emotion and negativity should not be pushed away. Reflect on your goals whenever you hit a low and pull yourself back up! You are better than this.

What are your tips? Comment below and let us know.