Stop supporting fur products. Every year, around 100 million animals are bred and murdered for the fashion industry’s demand for fur. The fur used to produce coats, hats, gloves, shoes, etc. mostly come from animals in fur farm factories. Fur farms are a man-made and consumer-supported hell for mink, foxes, raccoons, chinchillas and many more wild animals. The animals are crammed together into overwhelmingly small cages where they cannot even fully stand up, resulting in deformed legs and disfigured animals. The animals held in these suffocating buildings have been named “monster foxes” because they are so unrecognizably deformed. On occasions when they are fed, the food is filthy and water is deficient, especially in winter. In such a cruel environment, the animals display high levels of self-harm, mutilation, stress, illness and fear… all for fashion.
The method in which the animals are killed is equally monstrous. Since there are almost no laws to protect animals in fur farms, the animals are seen as products rather than living beings. This means that they are killed in ways to best preserve the quality of the fur, instead of the most painless manner. Fur farmers are known to have killed the animals by beating, gassing, stomping on them, electrocuting them from their mouth and anus, slamming them against the ground, breaking their necks or even just skinning them while still conscious… all for fashion.
How twisted are we, as humans, if we refer to these animals as monsters but then superficially swoon over the inhumane nature of this industry? It is the humans that are monstrous. If this animal cruelty was truly inhumane, then we humans should stop being the perpetrators of the ruination of millions of animal’s rights to live freely.
Is it really fashionable to wear the product of sheer cruelty? As consumers, we must educate ourselves on the lives that our purchases influence. We have a responsibility to put our money into industries that align with our values. So, if you claim to be against animal cruelty, do not buy fur products and do not support fur farms.